
The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger (2)

The whole truth and nothing but the truth.
"I came from the future. I am a time traveler. In the future we a friends."
"People only time travel in movies."
"That's what we want you to believe."
"If everybody time traveled it would get too crowded. Like when you when to see your Grandma Abshire last Christmas and it was very, very crowded? We time travelers don't want to mess things up for ourselves, so we keep it quiet."
"You're making fun of me."
"I would never make fun of you. Why do you think I'm making fun of you?"
Clare is nothing if stubborn.
"Nobody time travels. You're lying."
"Santa time travels."
"Sure. How do you think he gets all those presents delivered in one night? He just keeps turning back the clock a few hours until he gets down every one of those chimneys."
"Santa is magic. You're not Santa."
"Meaning I'm not magic? Geez, Louise, you're a tough customer."
"I'm not Louise."

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