
The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger (4)

I feel like Dorothy, when her house crash-landed in Oz and the world turned from black and white to color. We're not in Kansas anymore.

People don't appear and disappear the way you do. You're like the Cheshire Cat.

"Well, I don't feel like a spirit. Or a fictional character.
"How do you know?? I mean, if I was making you up, and I didn't want you to know you were made up, I just wouldn't tell you, right?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her.
"Maybe God just mad us up and He's not telling us."

The bathroom is tiny. I feel like Alice in Wonderland, grown huge and having to stick my arm out the window just so I can turn around.

"I still don't get it. I mean, I can see you not wanting your parents to know you were playing Lolita to his Humbert Humbert, but I don't get why you couldn't tell us. We would have been totally into it. I mean, we spent all this time feeling sorry for you, and worrying about you, and wondering why you, were such a nun-" Helen shakes here head.
"And there you were, screwing Mario the Librarian the whole time-" I can't help it, I'm blushing.
"I was not screwing him the whole time."
"Oh, come, on."
"Really! We waited till I was eighteen. We did it on my birthday."

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